Hi All! Reminder we have a Board meeting this Saturday, Sep 2 at 9:00am ET. Meeting is in the Rec Center and also via Zoom. The agenda with call/zoom info, draft last meeting minutes and draft Treasurer's report has been sent via email. The agenda is also here on the web site under Board information.
If you are in the park Saturday and would like to pick up your Ballot for the upcoming election, please see Levi after the meeting.
Don't forget the cornhole tournament and chicken dinner this Saturday! I will need final numbers for the chicken barbeque by Aug 31st. Sign up for both events on the office door in rec center. Or text me if you are not in the park.
Speed limit is STILL 5mph and this could be a busy weekend, so please be careful and slow down.
Break down boxes for trash and/or recycle bins.
Michigan returnables are the black bins by the recycle bins.